1. Home Brewing Recipes
  2. Cider
  3. Pear Cider

Pear Cider: A Delicious and Easy Home Brewing Recipe

Learn all about how to make your own pear cider at home with this step-by-step guide, including recipes, supplies, and equipment recommendations.

Pear Cider: A Delicious and Easy Home Brewing Recipe

Welcome to the world of home brewing, where you can create delicious and unique drinks right in your own kitchen. One popular choice among brewers is pear cider, a refreshing and flavorful beverage that is perfect for any occasion. In this article, we will share with you an easy and delicious recipe for making your own pear cider at home. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced brewer, this recipe is sure to please your taste buds and impress your friends and family.

So grab your brewing equipment and let's get started on our journey to creating the perfect pear cider!First things first, let's talk about the ingredients you will need to make pear cider. The main ingredient, of course, is pears. You can use any variety of pears you like, but some popular choices for cider include Bartlett, Bosc, or Anjou pears. You will also need sugar, yeast, and water.

Optional ingredients to enhance the flavor of your cider include spices like cinnamon or cloves, and fruit juices such as apple or cranberry. Next, you will need supplies like a large pot for boiling, a funnel, a fermenting vessel with an airlock, and bottles for storing your finished cider. As for equipment, a thermometer and hydrometer are essential for monitoring the temperature and alcohol content of your cider. Now that you have your ingredients and supplies ready, it's time to start brewing! The first step is to wash and chop your pears into small pieces. In a large pot, add the chopped pears, water, and sugar. Bring to a boil and then reduce the heat and let it simmer for about 30 minutes.

This process will extract the natural sugars from the pears. Let the mixture cool before transferring it to your fermenting vessel. Add your yeast and any optional ingredients at this point, and stir well. The next step is to let your cider ferment. Place an airlock on your fermenting vessel and store it in a cool, dark place for about 2 weeks.

During this time, the yeast will turn the sugars into alcohol, creating a delicious pear cider. After 2 weeks, you can check the alcohol content using a hydrometer. If it's at your desired level, you can move on to bottling your cider. Otherwise, let it ferment for another week or two until it reaches your desired alcohol level. When it's time to bottle your cider, make sure to sanitize your bottles and equipment properly to avoid any contamination.

Use a funnel to transfer your cider into the bottles, leaving some space at the top for carbonation. You can add a bit of sugar or fruit juice to each bottle to create carbonation. Seal the bottles tightly and store them in a cool place for another week or two to allow the carbonation process to take place. And that's it! Your homemade pear cider is now ready to be enjoyed. Make sure to chill it before serving, and feel free to experiment with different flavors and ingredients to create your perfect batch of pear cider. First things first, let's talk about the ingredients you will need to make pear cider.

You can use any variety of pears you like, but some popular choices for cider include Bartlett, Bosc, or Anjou pears. Optional ingredients to enhance the flavor of your cider include spices like cinnamon or cloves, and fruit juices such as apple or cranberry.Next, you will need supplies like a large pot for boiling, a funnel, a fermenting vessel with an airlock, and bottles for storing your finished cider. Make sure to chill it before serving, and feel free to experiment with different flavors and ingredients to create your perfect batch of pear cider.

Choosing the Right Pears for Your Cider

Picking the perfect pears for your cider can make all the difference in taste. When it comes to choosing the right pears for your cider, it's important to consider both flavor and texture.

Some pears, like Bartlett and Anjou, are great for eating but may not have enough flavor for cider. Others, like Bosc and Comice, have a more intense flavor that can overpower the cider if used in large quantities. For the best results, it's recommended to use a combination of pears to create a balanced and complex flavor in your cider. Look for pears that are ripe but still firm, with a good balance of sweetness and acidity. Avoid using overly ripe or mushy pears, as they can result in a flat and unappealing cider. When possible, try to use locally grown pears for your cider.

Not only will they be fresher and have more flavor, but you'll also be supporting local farmers and reducing your carbon footprint.

Fermentation and Bottling Process

Once you have all of your ingredients and equipment ready, it's time to start the fermentation process for your pear cider. This step is crucial for achieving the perfect flavor and carbonation in your final product. The first step is to sanitize all of your equipment, including your fermenter, airlock, and any utensils you will be using. This helps prevent any unwanted bacteria from affecting the fermentation process. Next, you will need to mix your pear juice, sugar, and yeast in your fermenter. The amount of sugar you use will depend on your desired level of sweetness in the final cider.

Use a hydrometer to measure the specific gravity of your mixture, which will give you an idea of the alcohol content once fermentation is complete. Once everything is mixed together, seal your fermenter with an airlock and let it sit in a cool, dark place for about 2-3 weeks. During this time, the yeast will convert the sugar into alcohol and produce carbon dioxide, creating a natural carbonation in your cider. After 2-3 weeks, you can move on to the bottling process. Before bottling, make sure to sanitize all of your bottles and caps. Using a siphon, transfer your fermented cider into the sanitized bottles. You can add additional sugar or priming tablets at this point if you want a stronger carbonation in your final product. Seal the bottles with caps or cork them if you prefer a more traditional look.

Then, let the bottles sit at room temperature for 1-2 weeks to allow for secondary fermentation. This will further carbonate your cider and enhance its flavor. Finally, refrigerate your bottles for a few days before serving to allow the carbonation to fully develop. And that's it - you now have a delicious and refreshing batch of pear cider ready to enjoy!

Choosing the Right Pears for Your Cider

Picking the perfect pears for your cider can make all the difference in taste. When it comes to making pear cider, it's important to choose the right type of pears to achieve the best flavor and texture.

Here are some tips for selecting the perfect pears for your homemade cider.

Essential Supplies and Equipment

Before you start brewing your delicious pear cider, make sure you have all the necessary supplies and equipment. Having everything you need will make the brewing process easier and more efficient. Here are the essential supplies and equipment you'll need to make pear cider at home:1.Fresh PearsThe first ingredient you'll need for pear cider is, of course, fresh pears. Make sure to choose ripe pears that are free of bruises or blemishes.

The type of pear you use will affect the flavor of your cider, so feel free to experiment with different varieties.

2.Juicer or Press

In order to extract the juice from the pears, you'll need a juicer or press. If you don't have one, you can also mash the pears by hand or use a food processor.


Yeast is an essential ingredient for fermenting the pear juice into cider. You can use a traditional brewer's yeast or experiment with different types to achieve different flavors.

4.Fermentation Vessel

This is where the magic happens! A fermentation vessel is necessary for storing and fermenting your pear cider. You can use a glass carboy, plastic bucket, or even a large jar.


An airlock is used to allow gases to escape during the fermentation process while keeping oxygen out.

This helps prevent contamination and ensures a successful brew.

6.Bottles and Caps

Once your cider has fermented, you'll need bottles and caps for storage. Make sure to use bottles that are suitable for carbonated beverages to prevent any explosions!7.Sanitizing SolutionSanitization is crucial in the brewing process to prevent any unwanted bacteria from affecting the flavor of your cider. Make sure to use a food-grade sanitizing solution.

8.Other Optional Equipment

While not necessary, these additional equipment can make the brewing process easier and more efficient:
  • Thermometer
  • Hydrometer
  • Siphon
  • Racking Cane
With these essential supplies and equipment, you'll be well on your way to making delicious pear cider at home. So gather everything you need and get ready to impress your friends with your homemade creation!

Essential Supplies and Equipment

Before you start brewing your own pear cider, it's important to make sure you have all the necessary supplies and equipment.

This will ensure a smooth and successful brewing process. Firstly, you will need a large pot or kettle to boil your ingredients in. A 5-6 gallon pot is recommended for this recipe. You will also need a large enough container to ferment your cider in, such as a glass carboy or a plastic fermentation bucket. Other essential supplies include a thermometer to monitor the temperature of your cider, a hydrometer to measure the specific gravity of your cider, and an airlock to release excess carbon dioxide during fermentation. As for equipment, you will need a siphon to transfer your cider from one container to another, a strainer or cheesecloth for filtering out any sediment, and bottles or kegs for storing and serving your finished product. Make sure to have all of these supplies and equipment ready before you begin the brewing process. This will save you time and ensure that your pear cider turns out just right.

Fermentation and Bottling Process

Fermentation: Once you have combined all of your ingredients in a large pot, it's time to let the fermentation process begin.

This is where the magic happens and your pear cider transforms from a simple mixture into a delicious and alcoholic drink. It's important to use the right yeast for fermentation as it can greatly affect the taste and alcohol content of your cider. There are many different types of yeast available, but some popular options for pear cider include Champagne yeast, ale yeast, or even wine yeast. Make sure to follow the instructions for whichever yeast you choose.

Bottling: After about 2-3 weeks of fermentation, your pear cider should be ready to bottle. Using a sanitized siphon, transfer the cider into clean and sterilized bottles. It's important to leave some space at the top of the bottle for carbonation. If you want a still cider, you can skip this step and store the cider in a large container instead.

To carbonate your cider, add a small amount of sugar or honey to each bottle before capping it. This will create carbon dioxide and give your cider that classic fizzy quality. Let the bottled cider sit at room temperature for about a week before transferring it to the fridge. This will allow for secondary fermentation to occur and create a carbonated drink. Making pear cider at home is not only easy but also allows you to customize it to suit your taste preferences.

With the right ingredients, supplies, and equipment, you can create a delicious batch of pear cider in just a few weeks. So why not give it a try and impress your friends with your new home brewing skills? Cheers!.